Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Purifying and drainage tea by Fares

   Eventhough this is a romanian product, I will write about it in english so that everyone can understand! (not fond of translating my posts in any language for various reasons, one of them being that I babble a lot, and plus I have two native languages to start with! So I'd end up with even LONGER posts).

First of all: I love tea!
Second of all, I don't know about you, but I tend to gain weight during winter, more than ever! I eat a lot, lots of sweets during holidays (yum!), since I hate cold I stay indoors a lot, and basically the work that I do is on the computer. So at the end of winter, I feel a desperate need to get back in shape! I don't really do any other kind of 'workout' except walking, trying to do more and more of that now. So, I relied on this weightloss tea by Fares to help me with this problem, it promises purification and drainage. 
   The good thing is I usually drink tea without any sweeteners, it stands on the package that it shouldn't be sweetened with anything. Fine with me! 
The taste is not a bad one, I like it, tastes of herbs.
I don't know about you, but for me it works! It says you should drink it for 6-8 weeks, with 1month break. Well I didn't calculate much, I think I've been drinking it for about two weeks (excep one day). The package recommends 2 cups/ day, but I usually drink 3 unless I have to go somewhere. I am pleased and don't have problems, don't have to 'rent out the bathroom' like some girls were complaining. It does speed up the metabolism a bit, but that effect is not too strong, it is just right. But I guess it depends on everyone's organism! So you can increase or diminish the quantity, according to your reaction. 
But I can really see results on arms, legs, waistline/stomach and just overall. Don't think you will be skin and bones after a cup or so, haha! I don't even want that! Just want to get back into my normal shape :D
I will continue with this tea for at least the indicated time and will tell you what direction it will lead me to eventually :)

What was your experience with this tea, or with any weightloss tea?

Note! Reviews contain my personal honest opinion about the product.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diary Of A Beauty Addict- Thank you! :*

   This will be a short but heartful post and it serves the purpose of giving a HUGE thanks to the mistress behind Diary Of A Beauty Addict for sending me some goodies and just for being so awesome in general! <3
   When I opened the package from her, I was thrilled, she really satisfied some of my most urgent needs! (sounded kinky eh? :)) ) This is what I got: Cover Stick in 001 by Astor Paris, Almond Oil Nail & Cuticle Treatment by The Body Shop, a dark sort of denim blue metallic eyeshadow in Wild At Heart 11 by Essence, a glitter nailpolish with golden undertones by Constance Carroll UK, and an ever so cute XL Kabuki brush by Mineral Hygienics

   Thank you again honey, and there is nothing here that I will not use, and I will also review them soon enough!

Balea Honey and Milk Regenerating Mask

   I have this extremely weird skin...always did. It's oily, or at least gets oily/shiny pretty fast, with lots of tiny imperfections, and in some parts...big pores. :((  Occasionally redness in certain areas. And the 'best' part is that eventhough it's oily and I've never in my life could use an actual moisturizer because it ALWAYS made it worse, now I am starting to feel the need. Until now, I didn't, not even in winter, just used a light one (and not even every day, woops!). Now eventhough my skin can still get pretty oily, it dries and sheds because of the weather AT THE SAME TIME. This is beyond me! 
    What I've changed nowadays is I've decided to give it a go with a lot of extra moisturizing, and if I break out from moisturizers as I used to idea what plan B could be...
But it worked well so far! Today for example, I will have some important stuff to do around town and, as I will be wearing foundation as usual, I wanted to try something that will not give me ugly surprises today (we all know how ugly dried out skin and impurities look with foundation, right?) Plus that I use Dream Matte Mousse, since that keeps shine under control amazingly, but dries the skin pretty much.
   So much for the short introduction :)) I have decided to try Balea Honey and Milk Regenerating Mask. So far, Balea always worked for me, regardless what the product was. Here it is:
The package looks small, I could fit it in my palm, but in this case 'a little goes a long way' is very true! After cropping off a corner to be able to get the product out, I used up a lot, as to have a thick layer, and I had to put the rest away, wrappet it in plastic and stored it in the fridge to use it tonight. 
I believe I still have half of it left!
This is how it looks, it looks exactly like a random hydtrating cream, white with a slightly yellowish undertone. Very nice and soft, and smells delicious, the smell of honey predominates in it. 
Acually the great smell was the first thing I noticed!

How to use it:
Well as it stands on the package, you should apply a thick layer, leave it on for 10-15 minutes. After that, says you should remove it with dry cotton pads, but without washing it off. Which means the residues can stay on as a moisturizing cream. I did this early in the evening, so that the leftovers stayed on a few more hours, after which I used toner to remove it and applied my usual night cream.

I was amazed, the skin feels soooo smooth and pleasant! Luckily, I didn't break out from it either! Impurities are gone, even pores were diminished, no shedding skin. Worked wonders on my problematic and sassy skin! I have nothing to complain about!

I will definitely buy more of these, will also try and find other Balea masks and use them along with my homemade ones.

What masks work well for you? What masks would you recommend for this last part of the winter?

Note! Reviews contain my personal honest opinion about the product.

Monday, February 27, 2012

My first NOTD post - Avon

   As far as I've noticed, many of us are also passionate about our manicure, along with face make-up and bodycare :D I almost constantly have my nails painted, usually in either a dark shade (-most of the time) or if it's a vibrant color, it's most likely a more unusual one.
   The color I picked for my nails today is a pretty interesting one and it's good for both a more rebellious look (like mine) but can be very elegant as well. It's Avon Nailwear Pro in Wicked. For a sucker for dark colors as I am, this is a perfect nailpolish. It is like a suuuuper dark (almost black) reddish brown. In certain types of light it looks black almost, though it contains very tiny discrete red shimmer particles, to reflect the light. So I could maybe say it is an extremely dark bronze towards rotten cherry sort of color, but it's too hard to explain so I will leave you with some unsuccessful pictures :D



Could someone recommend me a similar lipstick?? :D

Note! Reviews contain my personal honest opinion about the product.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mega lipstick review :D Sivanna and Manhattan

   A while ago I bought a set of five Sivanna lipsticks from an auction site, and I can say I was pleased with them all in all, so I thought I'd do review of them, with a shitload of lip swatches, since I borrowed my cousin's camera today, which is better than mine, which means some of the pics actually turned out to be decent :P Here they are:
 (*they are positioned in the same order in all he pics*)

   Where should I start? As you could probably notice, they are all double-ended, one end is the lipstick part, the other end is a lipgloss in the corresponding shade. The lipsick part is brilliantly pigmented, really creamy too, but not the kind of creamy that will melt and stain anything at the slightest touch. So it is the perfect combination between being creamy yet solid enough and very pigmented. The lipgloss has a light consistency, which means it doesn't give that disgusting super-heavy glaze of gloss, but it keeps the look more natural and 'fruity'. It is also pigmented, though a bit sheer but that doesn't bother me at all, plus if you apply it over the lipstick, then alltogether it will have plenty of coverage anyway. And by the way, they all have this AWESOME melon taste!!
   I haven't found the name of the colors, but they each had a number, Nr. 22 and 18 have shimmer particles. Here you have them, and the lip swatches (each with only lipstick first, and then with gloss over it). 
Oh and sorry, my lips are kind of cracked because of the damn weather, and some of these shades accentuate that, especially with lipgloss over them. And I couldn't help noticing that the last one, nr. 29 looks A LOT like my long-lasting Max Factor lipstick that I've reviewed HERE .
And a bonus lipstick! :)) This awesome striking red by Manhattan
Again, can't find the name of the shade, the number seems to be 45G. It is VERY pigmented and shiny, so if you tend to use gloss over lipstick, let me tell you that you don't really need any over this one! It is rather lasting, but definitely not 'transfer-proof'. It stains everything it touches even if just slightly, and smears easily... Also melts quite fast, which is a bit of a minus for me, but the way it looks is irreproachable. I've been playing with the thought of doing a Dita von Teese inspired make-up, and of all the red lipsticks I have, I think I will be using this one! Some swatches here:
-natural light-
Did you try any of these?
What I forgot to mention above: ALL of the listicks in this post are hydrating, and I really don't remember their price :-s Sorry! But they weren't very expensive anyway because I usually find good products at a good price instead of paying a fortune simply for a product's name :D 

Cheers and colorful kisses!

Note! Reviews contain my personal honest opinion about the product.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Review: Max Factor 2-phase lasting lipstick

   Hey! Today I've decided to talk about a lip product again (considering the fact that I am not THAT much of a lipstick fan, I review a lot of them, huh? :P). This time it's a lasting one by Max Factor, I have thrown the package many months ago, but I think it might be called Lipfinity? It's a 2 in 1 product; the first one is the lipcolor, which comes in a lipgloss form, and the second one is a transparent top coat, that has a retractable lipstick form. This is also the order to apply it.
   Now, the lipcolor applies smoothly, but dries fast which means it also stains fast, so you need to be careful with the contour. 


  • dries fast (which is both good and bad, good if you're in a hurry)
  • indeed it doesn't stain once it's all dry, which happens in a matter of seconds in my experience
  • the top coat gives the lips a LOVELY smoothness and a bit of gloss, not exaggerated, just the right amount!
  • really lasts long, and when you want to remove it, have patience, rub it with lots of moisturizer and then I used an eye make-up remover, went easier that way
  • if you apply a thicker layer it will look gross once dried. Even with a thiner layer it can, I for example am careful when I use it, because in a little while it will crack more or less in the expression wrinkles on the lips. And I am someone who sometimes talks much and I definitely smile a lot..
  • have to be always careful to have your lips peeled and hydrated, but my lips kinda dry from it even if I've been applying moisturizer on it all day, but that is no news in case of a lasting product
  • if you happen to skip the top coat, it will be very uncomfortable and even somewhat sticky
  I have been looking for a similar one by Revlon, which I bumped into long time ago but failed in finding it again, so I bought this one. I can say it is a good one for a lasting product, this color of which I can't find either the name or number, but it's a great combination between nude and mauve, looking pretty natural but still giving a nice tint. I'll leave you with some crappy pics once again, and some swatches.

Note! Reviews contain my personal honest opinion about the product.

What happened to the world?

Words of wisdom...
   I can't understand why some girls would starve themselves until they look like a broomstick...Your guy should have something to grab, something to spank! :)) Of course, there is nothing wrong with a so-called healthy lifestyle, but let's not exaggerate. A girl should not give up all her pleasures just to be liked by otehrs, and besides, the people that like you the way you are, are the ones that deserve you :) Remember:

"To all the girls that think you're ugly because you're not a size 0, you're the beautiful one. It's society whose ugly." -Marilyn Monroe.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tag 7 deadly beauty sins stolen from Alina :D

*Romanian only this time* Am furat un tag de la Alina, ma plictisesc prea tare azi si am o slabiciune pt tags/surveys/chestii de genu :))

1. Lacomie Care este cel mai ieftin produs cosmetic pe care il ai? Si care este cel mai scump?
    Hmmmmm nu ştiu sigur, bănuiesc că paletele ce le mai am de la Ruby Rose, asta neluând în calcul tona de produse no-name adunate în timp. :P

2. Manie - Care este produsul cu care te afli intr-o relatie de iubire/ura? Ce produs a fost foarte greu de gasit?
    Rujurile închise la culoare! Obişnuiesc sa le port si le iubesc, mai ales dacă-s şi mate, însă am un fix sa fug tot timpul la baie să-l verific pentru ca ştiu cât de rău arată când se ia pe sticlă/ ţigară or so şi rămân cu pete în loc de o culoare uniformă.

3. Pofta - Care este cel mai delicios produs cosmetic / ingrijire corporala?
    Multe, dar un produs preferat la acest capitol ar fi untul de corp cu nuci macadamia de la Alverde, yumm.

4. Lene - Ce produs neglijezi din cauza lenei?
    Nu ştiu...demachiantul după o noapte de party :)) Da, ştiu ştiu.

5. Mandrie - Ce produs iti da mai multa incredere in tine?
    Dermatograf şi pudră. Neapărat.

6. Ravna Ce atribute gasesti foarte atragatoare la sexul opus?
    În primul rând cred că totul porneşte de la compatibilitate, îmi place echilibrul între timiditate şi încrederea în sine. Iar fizic, de fiecare dată primul lucru mă uit la ochi - dinţi - mâini. În ordinea asta. :P    

7. Invidie - Ce produse ti-ar placea sa primesti cadou?
    Anything is welcome, însă cred ca mi-ar trebui o paletă în culori neutre, şi încă tot îmi trebuie un fard de ochi negru foarte negru :))

Dacă mai vrea cineva, just take it :D

Monday, February 20, 2012

Liquid Eyeliners: Kallos & Miss Sporty

   Some time ago, I ran out of liquid eyeliner, which used to be quite essential for me in general, but then I was constantly working on my pc, and I didn't go out of the house almost at all, well not during the day anyway.. x)) So I kept postponing it, and when I really wanted to define the lash line and draw that nice little 'tail' in the outer corner, (tip:) I used a bit of mascara with on an eyeliner brush. 
  BUT today, I thought of making up for all the 'lost time' and I got me two liquid eyeliners :D Studio Lash Eye Liner by Miss Sporty in 001 Extra Black ( <3 extra black sounds awesome for me, hehe) and the other one is a Kallos Cosmetics liquid liner in 01 Black. 
   I was already familiar with the Miss Sporty liner, since I had one longer ago, also black, but this one is a new presentation and extra black. Though the one I had longer ago, had a realllly thin brush, which makes it more difficult for me to work with, especially on the outer corner if I want a thicker line. But this one surprised me, it has a more solid and thicker brush/tip, which gives me more control over the thickness and shape of the line. So that is a bonus! 
  The one by Kallos on the other hand is the one with the thin tip now, and I tested it, and I can say I was still able to work smoothly with it. 

   Whenever I buy two products at once or just use 2 products for the same thing simultaniously, I end up comparing them. In this case, I can't say much about either of them, except what I seee right away. I have the feeling these were both a good investment. I'll leave you with a pic of them and a little test, on an eye each. You can see them here, compare the tips. I personally prefer if they are thicker, which in this case is Miss Sporty, but the other one clearly contains a bigger amount of product and the tip is fairly ok so far.
Miss Sporty: 

   As you can see, there is a bit of difference in thickness, afer a raw and not too pretentious test. I usually don't blink before the eyeliner dries, but now I did and I was surprised Kallos didn't leave any mark on the lid, while the other one smudged a bit as you can see. But that is not really relevant, just a small observation.

So all that's left now is to keep using them and see how great the quality is :D

Did you try these? Opinions? :*

Note! Reviews contain my personal honest opinion about the product.

Review: H&M Lipgloss

   Been wanting to write about this lipgloss for some time now, bought it in Sweden a while ago, more than a year ago. Though it didn't change smell or consistency at all. Which is a plus, eventhough there were some tiny dislikes I had.
   So. This is a bright pink gloss by H&M. I honestly can't remember the price, but in Sweden everything is more expensive than here, so it wouldn't have much relevance, especially for my romanian readers :D It is bright pink, and there are mainly 2 things I like about it most of all: the fact that it doesn't contain pearly/shimmer particles, which I LOVE since I am not a fan of shimmer on lips when going out. So it looks more latex, hahah! rather than having a pearly finish. And the second thing is the transparence, which makes it more fruity and natural-looking. So you can build up the color and glossyness depending on how much you apply. And despite being a bit transparent, it IS very pigmented. It is the perfect combination.
   Oh, and the SMELL!!! Which is extreeeeemely delicious, vanilla smell (taste :">).

What I can say is the only bad thing about this lip gloss and a pretty prominent one is that it's rather sticky :( maybe not THAT much, but if you apply it in a thick layer you might still notice it...and might want to hold your hair back too, in that case. 

What can I say, it works well for me, since I don't apply thick layers anyway, not being a fan of very pink lips personally. Another thing that is cute is that the color has a bigger amount of red shade than blue, but I'll let you check that out in the crappy quality pictures: 

Did you try this gloss or just any H&M products? What was your impression?

Note! Reviews contain my personal opinion about the product.

p.s. Anyone who wants to exchange banners? Just let me know!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Review: Two blushes by Rimmel London

   See, I am in a posting frenzy today! But fair enough, since I've got a LOT of absence to make up for...Now I thought of reviewing two blushes I've had for a few weeks, by Rimmel. I can say Rimmel never disappoints me. I think their cosmetics usually give a natural look. Well, I rarely have a natural look, including face contouring/ blush, especially in evening make-up looks, so after applying foundation, I apply cream blush (at the moment I have a homemade one that I LOVE, more about that later) and then powder blushes on top of that, this way it will obviously have much more intensity, and then a thin layer of the powder you apply on the rest of the face as well, so that the shades blend a bit. I will try to explain this with pictures. So anyway, sorry for babbling so much but I've missed this blog! :P

  Here are these two beauties ( <= 131 Madeira and 101 Pink Sugar=> ):
   I can't say I have pro's and con's in this case, it's a question of the occasion you use them for and how you use them. As I said, if I want something very natural (which is rare), I will apply them only on foundation and they will not have that much intensity, but will give a subtle color with very discrete satin shimmer. That is a plus for me, since I don't like very shimmery stuff on my cheeks, and since I want to make my face look more slim, too much shimmer will just puff it more from certain angles, bleah. As said above, I personally apply them over a base of cream blush <3 and I mostly use them both: the darker one right in the lip-ear line, and the lighter one above it, on the cheekbone. I hope you understood something from all this :P Aaaaaand some poorly photographed swatches:
   Sucky quality pictures, but eh! 

Would I buy them again? Yes definitely, and I will probably buy more shades. The price was around 23-24 Ron/ around 5 Eur.

Note! Reviews contain my personal, honest opinion about the product.

Red and black make-up

   As I finally have a bit of time to catch up with my beauty blog, I have decided to dig up one of my most usual looks for a night out. Everyone that knows me, knows that I love extravagant make-up, which is usually pretty dark for that matter. Black is something that is ALWAYS on the menu. But I usually like to combine it with another color, mainly red, thanks to the fact that I have greenish-hazel eyes, so the red brings out their green shade a lot, while black gives the look intensity and much more dramatism. So here's this one:
   The picture is not the best, and I have no idea why I pushed out my piercing :)) buuuut yeah. I don't remember exactly all the products I used, I always combine a lot of stuff, add more here and there...I do know I used Dream Matte Mousse foundation and Stay Matte powder... on the eyes...uhh, this is difficult since I 'pimp up' my eyes differently all the time. But I know I used the 120 palette, a combination of all the reds and the brightest pink, and on the outer corner I used the 2 black shades in the corner of that palette (no use for adding a pic of that I guess). And the mascara was Lash Accelerator by Rimmel, which I will review with another occasion. Though my lashes are short and I have the feeling nothing can accelerate them, haha :D
   The lips were just given a tint of red lipstick, not an actual real layer, so that it doesn't have the genuine painted lips look, just a bit of color. 
   Anyway, will dig up some more make-up looks and show you, you can tell me your opinion!

Ah by the way, I need to change the layout around here again, I have a feeling that the comments don't work :-s Cheers darlings!

Review: Golden Rose eyeshadows

   A few months ago, I bought two eyeshadows by Golden Rose. They are not bad, but what I can say is that for that price, I was kind of expecting something more pigmented & lasting. I think it was around 10 Ron/ 2.29 Eur, but I thought of trying them. Here they are, a bit used as you can see....
   On the bottom of the black one we can read 'Silky Touch Pearl Eyeshadow', and on the brown one, 'Silkly Touch Matte Eyeshadow'. Matte eyeshadows, as we all know, are often pretty chalky and unpigmented, but in this case I can say the same about the black one as well, which is actually closer to being matte than pearly. Which would not be a problem, if they would be....PIGMENTED!
   Here are some swatches with and without primer. (please excuse the bad picture quality)
As you can see, they DO look better with some primer underneath, but (I don't know how much the pic quality will allow you to notice..) they are still a bit uneven.
  • my kind of colors, especially the brown one, I love using matte dark brown for shading
  • the packaging is nice as well, they are well-sealed when closed, simple and black
  • as I said, too chalky, which makes it hard to apply evenly
  • the pigmentation, or more like lack of it, which makes it impossible to work with them if you don't have primer with you :(
  • the price <=> quality
   Would I buy them again? Well, considering the quality, not for this price. It is not that expensive, I just think I can invest that amount into something that will work better for me. It's a shame, I love the brown especially AND it's matte <3 ...

Note! Reviews contain my personal, honest opinion about the product.