Monday, April 6, 2020

Fantasy Make-Up Pt 1

   Today I just thought of showing you two of my fantasy make-up looks, since I haven't been really testing anything new to talk about. Quarantine got me dealing with a lot of things in my life, so far I didn't have as much time for make-up as I would've expected. So, without further of due, here is a darker witchhouse inspired make-up, and a glittery Little Mermaid inspired look! Which one do you prefer? 


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Monday, March 16, 2020

Sparkly Pink Make-Up time!

   Hello, Dears! Just like with many other things, I like to jump from one extreme to another when it comes to make-up; sometimes natural, sometimes gothic and gloomy, and sometimes extremely vivid and colorful. For this make-up, I chose the colorful side of my kit. It was very quick to do, you can find details on the products and brands used HERE !


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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Spring Make-up with all different brands!

   When wondering what make-up look to create that day, have you ever been inspired of the freshness of early spring? The blossoms and first flowers? 
   I know I have, and this would be the perfect example! I also chose to dip into all different brands for each product, just for the heck of it. You can find the product list used for this look HERE


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Frosted Look with Jeffree Star Blue Blood Lipsticks

   I think the fact that I like playing with cosplay-ish, fantasy looks is not a secret anymore. Thus, this look was created as an exercise for imagination, with lots of glitter and of course, with the Jeffree Star Cosmetics Mini Blue Blood bundle! I tried two slightly different ombre lip designs and two different eye colors, let me know which look you like best:


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Monday, March 9, 2020

Random Glowy look

   Stumbled across this pic of a half-faced makeup look I did. This was some modern Egyptian-inspired side. 💮 Sorry about the bad photo quality, but I had no other way to immortalize it at the time!
I remember the highlighter was the one and only gorgeous MAC Mineralize Skinfinish.


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